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At the Dream Machine, we endeavour to support our communities and as our motto suggests we do this in three ways relaxation, play and creativity. Below you will see examples of the projects that we have created under the headings relax, play and create. 

Sensory Sundays

Over many weeks the Dream Machine provided sensory experiences for its community, within a safe, warm and comfortable environment ensured by its soft heated flooring, ambient music, lighting and serine visuals. Participants used these Sundays as protected time for their relaxation. This session supported anyone seeking peace to centre themselves by giving them time to turn inwards and reflect.

Hibernation Sunday

Hibernation was a one-hour session giving its participants the opportunity to escape wet and often dark life in Glasgow city and experience a purpose made sensory show depicting a winter odyssey. In this session participants minds were allowed to wander off within a magical winter themed light, sound and image-based experience, all from the comfort of an inflatable chair in a heated room with a soft blanket. This indulgent experience was made to provide participants with the comfort that Winter requires.

Go Deeper Sunday

Go Deeper explored simplicity, repetition and vibration over a one-hour session, as the floor gradually warmed, morphing abstract projections and sounds filled the room and participants’ experiences. This session allowed participants time to explore themselves by entering a slower deeper state of being, allowing space for reflection and relaxation before slowly returning to the surface and their everyday lives. Participants brought back insights from their time reflecting. In articulating these newfound understandings participants were invited to explore any new found thoughts or ideas using art supplies, and construction materials.



In 2019 the Dream Machine provided multiple day-time raves allowing participants to exercise and socialise, giving them a healthy start to the weekend. The projects inspiration came from a desire to counteract the self-destructive actions that often accompany rave culture, by giving participants a safe and healthy, alcohol and drug free space to just dance. These raves provided a space for adults who missed dancing but not the unhealthy actions a night out on the town can bring. Its benefits were two-pronged supporting participants wellbeing through exercise and socialisation elements that have supported wellbeing throughout human history.


The Betty McAllister Award

Battling Betty Award

In revisiting our transformative experience with the Betty McAllister Award in Glasgow, we proudly share the remarkable success and lasting impact we've achieved. Our mission was clear: create a nurturing space for diverse creative communities to thrive, free from financial constraints. Diverse Creative Support At the heart of our initiative was providing venues, technical equipment, and expertise for free. We welcomed diverse creative communities, including wellbeing, addiction support, music, comedy, and children's playgroups. Each community flourished, enriching Glasgow's cultural fabric. Breaking Financial Barriers Our proudest achievement? Breaking down financial barriers by offering venues and resources without cost. This support catalyzed countless artistic ventures and community-driven projects. Strengthening Community Bonds The Betty McAllister Award not only nurtured creativity but also fostered stronger community bonds. The Dream Machine became a true home, where connections were forged, and a tighter-knit community emerged. What We Have Learned A vital lesson learned: the importance of transparent, accessible communication about the award. This newfound clarity will ensure fewer creative endeavors are hindered by lack of awareness. A Legacy of Unity and Creativity As we celebrate the award's success, we're reminded that our impact transcends accomplishments. Glasgow's creative energy continues to inspire and connect us all. The Future Beckons Our aspiration is to bring the Betty McAllister Award back for a second round. Building on our foundation, we aim to extend support to even more creative souls, ensuring our legacy of creativity and unity thrives. Join the Dream Machine Community Join us in celebrating creativity and unity. Whether you're an artist, a creative enthusiast, or simply believe in the power of community, The Dream Machine welcomes you. Together, we'll nurture creativity, remove barriers, and strengthen our interconnected community. Join us at The Dream Machine and be a part of our legacy!

Family Creative Sundays​

The Dream Machine held family creative sessions weekly in the Dream Room allowing little ones and their parents to explore creativity in a safe and comfortable environment together. Using an assortment of creative tools such as Lego, paints, markers, paper and other creative toys families are invited to create together. In this session, parents were able to spend quality time with their children surrounded by an assortment of relaxing imagery and sound. Such creative activities are thought to support children’s development. In helping our youngest have access to creativity we hope to support them throughout their lives by giving them the adaptable tool of creativity to support their wellbeing throughout their lives.

Sensory Sundays
Sensory Sundays

Online Arts Groups-Research

Over the lockdown of 2020, the Dream Machine conducted a research project exploring online engagement in creativity. To do this a prototype online arts group was designed with an emphasis on supporting wellbeing during this challenging time. The project also explored best practices for supporting wellbeing in the online arts group with a variety of practitioners and participants. all of this yielded an array of insights and practical guidance for practitioners, as well as beautiful artworks that explored the research context.

Community Project Artwork
Community Project Artwork

Annual SCIO Report and Accounts

At the Dream Machine SCIO, we believe in transparency. This means publishing our annual accounts and reports each year. Please find them listed below.

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